Frances Lear – Partner
Professional Expertise
Employment Law: advising and representing employers and individual employees in commercial and public sector environments on all areas of employment law.
LLB, BA (Political Science) (Victoria 1999)
Admission as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand 1999
Frances joined the firm as a Senior Associate in May 2014. Frances has specialised in employment law since 2004. She has previously worked in private practice for a boutique employment law firm, and a national commercial law firm with a focus on the local government sector. Frances has also worked in-house as the sole employment solicitor for two public sector organisations, including a large government department which employs well over 5,000 employees in multiple locations throughout New Zealand. Prior to specialising in employment law Frances worked in the public sector in policy and law reform roles. Frances has extensive experience in providing pragmatic and tailored advice to clients on all employment law areas, as well as representing clients at mediation, the Employment Relations Authority, and in settlement negotiations. She negotiates effectively on behalf of her clients, and has a particular interest in dispute resolution. She has provided practical training and seminars for managers and HR practitioners on a wide variety of topics.
Personal Interests
Family, travel, socialising with friends.